Avoid These 4 Energy Drainers To Get More Done And Feel Better
Preview: Feeling drained and unmotivated? Avoid these four energy drainers so you can get more done and cultivate a thriving home atmosphere.
Have you noticed the difference in how your day goes when you have a ton of energy versus when you feel drained and low in energy? We cannot complete what we need and want to do when we have low energy stores. Let’s dive into four energy drainers that you can avoid so that you can keep your energy levels up. As you have more energy, you’ll be able to focus on the important tasks that will help you cultivate a thriving home atmosphere.

Energy Drainer 1: Decision Fatigue
The more decisions you have to make, the more your energy stores are depleted! Avoid decision fatigue as much as possible. There are several ways you can minimize decision fatigue, including the following.
- Establish habits and routines. We make many daily decisions: what to wear, what to eat, what task to do next, etc. When you establish habits and routines, you can make fewer decisions throughout the day and save energy on more important tasks.
- Have a place for everything. You can expend less energy when you don’t have to stop and remember where you put the paper or supplies you need for a task or activity.
- Prepare standard responses for common obstacles. This was one of my biggest decision fatigue energy drainers when my daughters were younger. Even now, I sometimes have to tell them I don’t have enough energy to think about how I want to respond to their requests. Consider situations that frequently occur with your children and prepare a standard response.
- Use procedure lists or checklists. Prepared lists are helpful in many situations, such as having a procedure list for the end of each term or end of the school year, a checklist for packing for a trip, and a checklist for typical work or household tasks.
Energy Drainer 2: Distraction
Removing distractions helps you focus on the task, get it done, and move on to the next one. You will find that you will get more done and feel better and less drained. Consider removing the following distractions.
- Digital distractions. Turn off notifications on your phone and computer. Close tabs in your Internet browser that you are not using.
- Physical distractions. Keep your work area tidy, including your kitchen, homeschool area, or desk.
Energy Drainer 3: Multitasking
Stop multitasking! Even though we think it is possible to do two things at once, it is not possible to multitask. When we try to do two things simultaneously, we switch from one activity to the other. Each time you shift your focus, you lose productivity; some research indicates it may be as much as 40%.
Switching tasks involves several parts of your brain. Research indicates that brain scans during task switching show activity in four major areas:
- The prefrontal cortex shifts and focuses your attention and selects which task to do.
- The posterior parietal lobe activates rules for each task.
- The anterior cingulate gyrus monitors errors.
- The pre-motor cortex prepares you to move in some way.
Think about that; your brain uses four different areas when switching tasks. That uses valuable energy!
It is not always possible to avoid task switching, especially with children, but some strategies you could use include:
- Completing tasks that require focus when your children are asleep or playing quietly.
- Scheduling time for someone else, such as your spouse, a friend, or a grandparent, to watch your children while you complete tasks that require focus.
- Having realistic expectations of how much you can accomplish when your children are present.
Energy Drainer 4: Hurry
When we are rushed, we feel more stressed, which in turn uses more of our energy. The following strategies are helpful to eliminate hurry.
- Plan 10 to 15 minutes more than you expect your travels will require.
- Expect that everything will take longer than planned. Add 25% to your initial time estimate.
- Acknowledge that everything requires more time to do with young children. Find a babysitter or plan multiple sessions.
- Prepare the night before and have all the supplies gathered and ready to go.
- Avoid working up to the last minute. Set a timer for 15 to 30 minutes before when you want to leave to allow yourself time to wrap up and get ready to go.
As you focus on avoiding these four energy drainers, you’ll find that your home atmosphere will start to change. There will be less stress, you’ll feel calmer, and you’ll probably get more done and enjoy the day more.